I held out thus far from commenting on the murder of George Floyd which gave rise to the events of this week and has once again highlighted the continuing racism that exists in majority-white societies. The reasons for that have been numerous. Not least because no one asked for my opinion and I don't have a wide-reaching platform to speak from. Still, I'll go through some thoughts to add to the conversation.

First up, as a white person, I have no ability to speak with any understanding of suffering that is not mine. It may also seem hollow to see the legions of white people verbally denouncing racism that benefits them, whilst their privilege protects them from any repercussions. Also as a business, I am aware of some of the more distasteful attempts to co-opt the very real pain of others. Brands eager to appear “woke” whilst generating profitable “engagement”.

To be honest, the main reason for silence has been that I am so tired of feeling sad and angry every time this happens. Tired of the fact that we seem unable to vote for change. Sad that we live in such an institutionally racist country. Angry that we find it easier to defend the indefensible than to demonise people that have been pushed to breaking point and are angry enough to throw a brick. No one ever rioted when they felt their voice was actually being heard. I’m sick of seeing my friends having to deal with this and I’m terrified by the response of the US government against its own citizens when they protest.

So whilst it might be hard to know exactly what to say, it’s better than saying nothing. To be silent is to be complicit and god knows we’ve had enough of that. There are more conversations to be had. We need to talk about oppression in all forms. But right now it has to start with the simple truth that Black Lives Matter and that is not up for discussion or cries of “All Lives Matter”. It just needs to be true and we need to acknowledge that where we are right now isn’t good enough.

The discussion white people can be having is about how to be better allies and help the fight. Each in their own corner of society and community. It begins small - calling out racism when you see it. Every unfunny racist "joke". Every DJ who still thinks it's a good idea to play Morrissey records (try to imagine how an Asian kid might feel walking into your white-indie dance floor to be greeted by Benghali in Platforms, ugh!). Don't get touchy, don't get offended if you yourself get called out. Someone thinks you're worth helping to be better, be grateful. Recognise that if you're a white person, not being racist is an ongoing process. One of fighting against the environment which you were born into and that serves you very well. You will never be done learning in that regard.

To quote a phrase that perhaps has lost a little meaning over the years due to its powerful simplicity - Power To The People. Power to all people, never power over them. Rest in Power, George Floyd and all of the victims of racism, sadly too numerous to list here.

Today, as part of the music industry, we will be supporting #TheShowMustBePaused. In the organiser's own words, Tuesday, June 2nd is "a day to take a beat for an honest, reflective and productive conversation about what actions we need to collectively take to support the Black community". We'd love to hear any ideas about how we can better support and give voice to those who struggle to be heard. Either to make what we do more accessible and beneficial to all People of Colour or to help dismantle the systems of oppression which we live in. Feel free to leave a comment, email or speak to us in person (socially distanced, of course).

We have also donated to https://reclaimtheblock.org, which seeks to divert funding from the Minneapolis Police Department towards community-led safety initiatives and we are writing to our MP to demand public support from our government for the BLM movement. If you wanted to send a similar message, feel free to adapt the one below if you feel it articulates your feelings too.

Screenshot 2020-06-02 at 15.23.14.png

Text to copy/paste:


As one of your constituents, I am writing with regards to ongoing police brutality against minorities, both here and in the US. I am deeply concerned by the reactions to protestors demanding action.

Donald Trump has actively encouraged hostility and military force towards the citizens who are exercising their human right to protest. It threatens democracy when a populace is made to feel unsafe and unable to make their voice heard in response to oppression from systems of power. You must fight harder than ever to protect democracy when white supremacy continues to be a growing global threat.

Our government must be seen to publicly condemn this unacceptable action by the US against its own people. We must stand in proud solidarity with the Black Lives Matter and Anti-Fascist movements. You, your fellow MPs and Boris Johnson cannot stay silent at this moment. Our country has been built on the blood of slavery and imperialism and we have to do better in the wake of our more recent history of racially motivated police brutality, the appalling treatment of the Windrush generation and the hostile environment created against immigrants. I demand that we start with a show of solidarity at this time.

Yours sincerely,

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